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Saturday, 15 March 2014

Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor

Buschke-Lowenstein Tumor of Penis

 is Giant condyloma Acuminata affecting anogenital region

Considered as a variant of verrucous carcinoma

Slow growing , locally invasive,  low grade malignancy

Gross appearance -cauliflower-like morphology

Aetiology- human papillomavirus  (HPV)  types 6 and 11

Diagnostic procedure- Biopsy

Treatment - Surgical excision / CO2 laser/ Chemotherapy

Differential Diagnosis

             1.Squamous Cell Carcinoma

             2. Genital warts,

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Pantaloon Hernia

What is a Pantaloon Hernia?
Pantaloon Hernia- Indirect Sac (Black Arrow) & Direct Sac ( White Arrow) 

Pantaloon Hernia-  Inferior Epigastric Vessels  ( White Arrow)  & Spermatic Cord  (Black Arrow)
   If an inguinal hernia contains both direct and indirect sac, it is called a Pantaloon Hernia.

   An indirect sac is dealt by opening  the sac ( Herniotomy) , reducing the contents and transfixing it. 

   A direct sac is reduced into the peritoneal cavity and the plication of the upper part of the Transversalis Fascia over the sac and Ilio pubic Tract-Thickened lower most part of the Transversalis Fascia is done with the non absorbable suture material like poly propelene.

    Then the posterior wall of the Inguinal Canal is reinforced with a poly propelene mesh in the plane of the inguinal ligament and conjoint tendon.