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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Risk Factors for Carcinoma Penis

Risk Factors for  Carcinoma Penis

     Accumulation of Smegma - Poor Hygiene / Phimosis
     Chronic Balanoposthitis

     HPV 16 Infection 

Carcinoma in situ (Tis) of the penis involving the glans penis or prepuce is called Erythroplasia of Queyrat .
Carcinoma in situ (Tis) of the penis involving the the penile shaft or the remainder of the genitalia or perineal region is called Bowens disease.

JACKSON’S Staging of Carcinoma Penis

Stage I - Cancer has only affected the glans and/or foreskin.
 Stage II - Cancer has spread to the shaft of the penis.
 Stage III - Mobile (operable) inguinal lymph nodes
 Stage IV - Fixed (inoperable) inguinal lymph nodes or distant metastasis

Surgical Treatment of Carcinoma Penis is Partial or Total Amputation of Penis


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