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Thursday, 23 November 2017

Empyema or Pyothorax

Empyema is a collection of pus in the pleural cavity 

Surgical treatment is Postero Lateral Thoracotomy and drainage of pus.

Thickened pleura is separated from the underlying lung ( Decortication) so that lung re-expands fully.   

Surgical Treatment of Haemorrhoids

Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy

Pre Op
Stapler Haemorrhoidectomy

Post Op

Image Courtesy: Trivandrum Surgical Club

An Unusal Case of Fistula in Ano

Male in his late 40s presented with a discharging sinus near the right side of scrotum of 18 months of duration.No urinary symptoms. No co-morbidity.

MR Fistulogram- Sinus track extending from the root of scrotum through the subcutaneous plane close to the anal verge. No communication with penis.

Probing to assess the extent
Placement of a Non Cutting Seton (Poly Propelene) to Preserve the Anal Sphincter

 Courtesy: Tivandrum Surgical Club