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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Femoral Hernia

Femoral Hernia
A Case of Femoral Hernia- Note the Typical Position

Inguinal Incision for Femoral Hernia Repair

Femoral Hernial Sac

Omentum as the content of Femoral Hernial sac

A femoral hernia descends through the femoral ring, traverses the femoral canal and comes out through the Saphenous opening.
Hence a femoral hernia  is seen typically below the inguinal ligament.
Femoral hernia is more common in females. It is because of the anatomical tilt of the female pelvis. But the commonest hernia in a female patient is the inguinal hernia.
Inguinal Operation for Femoral Hernia Repair
Incision-Oblique incision just above and parallel to the line of attachment of the inguinal ligament.
Position of the patient-Supine
Anesthesia-GA/ SA
Steps of Surgery
External Oblique Aponeurosis is defined and is split opened along the direction of its fibers.
Fascia transeversalis is opened and the sac is identified. Sac is opened and the viability of the contents is checked.
Contents are reduced back and the peritoneal sac is closed.
Femoral ring is obliterated by approximating Inguinal ligament and Pectineal ligament.
Posterior wall of the inguinal canal is reinforced with a Poly Propelene Mesh.
Wound is closed in layers after achieving hemostasis.
Surgical Procedures available for Femoral Hernia
High Operation of Mc Evedy
Low Operation of Lockwood
Inguinal Operation of Lotheissen’s

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