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Showing posts with label Cystic swelling containing Cholesterol Crystals in the aspiration fluid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cystic swelling containing Cholesterol Crystals in the aspiration fluid. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Branchial Cyst

Branchial Cyst Excision

Branchial Cyst Excision

Branchial Cyst Excision

Branchial Cyst

Common Age Group- First or second decades of life
Site- Along the Anterior border of the Sterno Mastoid at the junction between Upper one third and lower two third.
Shape-Spherical or Ovoid
Transillumination test- Positive if it contains clear fluid
Mobility- Restricted mobility
Plane of the Swelling- Deep to Sterno Mastoid Muscle
Compressibility- Negative
Aspiration fluid contains-Cholesterol crystals

Differential Diagnosis:
  • Lymph Nodular Enlargement
  • Dermoid Cyst
  • Vascular/ Lymphatic Malformations

Complication: Infection
Treatment: Complete Surgical Excision under General Anesthesia.
(Incomplete excision can result in recurrence.)
Cystic swelling containing Cholesterol Crystals in the aspiration fluid:-
  1. Branchial Cyst
  2. Thyroglossal cyst
  3. Hydrocele
  4. Cystic Hygroma
  5. Detigerous Cyst (- arises from an Un erupted tooth )
  6. Dental Cyst (- is a complication of Dental caries )