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Showing posts with label Epidermal Cyst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Epidermal Cyst. Show all posts

Friday, 7 June 2013

Post Auricular Dermoid Cyst

Post Auricular Dermoid Cyst
Post Auricular Dermoid Cyst
Post Auricular Dermoid Cyst-Incision for Excision

Post Auricular Dermoid Cyst-Excision

Post Auricular Dermoid Cyst is type of Sequestration Dermoid,  in which the epidermal cells are sequestrated to deeper layers of tissues. Hence it is also called Epidermal Cyst.
Sequestration Dermoids are seen close to the mesodermal derivatives like bone. Hence it is possible to get indentation of  the underlying skull bone and even an intracranial extension.
Sequestration Dermoids are seen along the line of embryonic fusion. Other examples of Sequestration Dermoids are External Angular Dermoid and Submental Dermoid.
Age group:-
The second or third decades of life.
Clinical Features:-
Painless Swelling with a smooth surface and soft consistency. Indentation of the underlying bone may be appreciated.
Soft cosisitency of a dermoid cyst is due the tooth paste like pultaceous material composed of sebum and desquamated epithelial cells with or without hair.
Complications of Dermoid Cyst:-
  • Infection
  • Ulceration
  • Mechanical compression to adjacent structures
Plain X Ray Skull- to assess bony erosions.
CT Scan Head- if  intracranial extension is suspected.
Surgical Excision under appropriate anesthesia.