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Showing posts with label Peau d’ orange Appearance in Carcinoma Breast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peau d’ orange Appearance in Carcinoma Breast. Show all posts

Friday, 7 June 2013

Peau d’ orange Appearance in Carcinoma Breast

Peau d’ orange Appearance in Carcinoma Breast

Dimpling of the skin over the breast is due to involvement of the Cooper’s ligaments.
Blockage of the dermal lymphatics of the breast due to malignancy results in oedema of the skin.
Skin dimpling along with odema of the skin is the cause of Peau d’ orange Appearance ( Orange peel ) in Carcinoma breast.
Significance of Peau d’ orange Appearance in Carcinoma breast:-
Peau d’ orange Appearance is considered as skin involvement in Carcinoma breast and hence affects the stage of the disease.
NB:  Mere dimpling of the skin over the breast will not affect the stage of the disease as it is not considered as skin involvement.

Skin involvement in Carcinoma breast means presence of any one of the following:-
1.     Peau d’ orange Appearance
2.     Skin Ulceration
3.     Skin nodules

Benign condtions producing Peau d’ orange Appearance:-