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Showing posts with label Uncontrolled fistula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncontrolled fistula. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Gastro Intestinal Fistula

Gastro Intestinal Fistula
A fistula is tract connecting two epithelial surfaces one of which is a hollow organ.
Classifiaction of Fistulae
Internal Fistula:-
A fistula connecting any two digestive organs.
External Fistula:-
A fistula connecting  a digestive organ and skin.
Uncontrolled fistula:-
A fistula which contaminates the general peritoneal cavity is called  uncontrolled fistula.
Controlled fistula
If the effluent of a fistula is drained out using a Foley’s catheter, without contaminating the general peritoneal cavity, it is called  controlled fistula.

Based on the out put fistulae can be
Low output Fistula :– If the output is less than 200 ml/24 Hours
Moderate output Fistula:– If the output is between 200-500ml/24 Hours
High output Fistula:– If the output is more than 500ml/24 Hours

Causes of Gastro Intestinal Fistula

  • Congenital
  • Traumatic
  • Inflammatory-Cohn’s Disease
  • Neoplastic-Carcinoma colon
  • Post operative-Post appendicectomy /Intestinal Anastomosis.

Complications of GI Fistula
  • Sepsis
  • Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance
  • Malnutrition
  • Effluent Dermatitis-resulting in skin excoriations, ulcerations and infections.

Principles of Management of GI Fistula:-

  • Correction of Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance.
  • Nil Per Oral and Bowel rest.
  • Total Parenteral Nutrition.
  • Conversion of an uncontrolled fistula into a controlled fistula.

Prevention of Effluent Dermatitis:-
By painting the skin with Zinc oxide paste.
The commonest electrolyte abnormality associated with a GI Fistula is Hypokalemia.