Clinical Examination of Varicose Veins

1.Age- Middle age
2.Sex- Females – Progesterone
3.Occupation – Standing for long time
4.Duration- Congenital AV Malformation-
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Local Gigantism. Port wine stain
1) Pain-2 Types in Varicose vein
1a).Aching pain in the whole leg/Lower leg-particularly towards the end of the day-Relieved by Lying down -Associated with Night Cramps
1b).Bursting Pain while walking-m DVT
2) Swelling- around the ankle joint/Whole limb
3)Ulcer- over the medial malleolus
Excruciating pain over the ulcer - Periostitis
4) Bleeding
5) Itching-Due to Eczema
6) Pigmentation- Lipodermatosclerosis
7) Constipation/Abdominal Distension/ Difficulty in passing urine- Pelvic pathology
8) Fever and Malaise- Thrombophlebitis
9) Cough/ Breathlessness/Hemoptysis/Chestpain-
Pulmonary Embolism
10) Deformity- Equinus Deformity
6.Past History
Previous history of Varicose veins- Recurrence
Serious illness requiring prolonged Bed rest/ Hospitalization/ Major surgery- to rule out DVT
7.Personal History
Obstetric History- previous Pregnancies
OCP Intake
8.Family History
Varicose veins run in Families
General Examination
Look For –Tachycardia ( Feature of AVM)
1.System Affected
GSV- Medial Aspect
SSV-Lateral And Posterior Aspect
Klippel-Trenaunay - Lateral aspect up to thigh
2. Swelling-
i)A Segment of superficial Veins dilated due to Perforator Incompetence
3.Skin of the Limb
i) Colour-
ii)Texture of the Skin
4. Bulge/ swelling in the upper medial aspect of the thigh – with exapansile impulse-Saphena Varix
1. Brodie – Trendelenberg Test 1
2.Brodie – Trendelenberg Test2
Ask the patient to lie down,
Empty the veins by elevating the limbs,
Apply pressure at the SFJ-Using a finger/ tourniquet,
Ask the patient to stand up,
Maintain the pressure for 1 minute-
Filling of veins from below indicates Perforator Incompetence.
3. Tourniquet Test
To localise the approximate site of incompetent perforator.
Ask the patient to lie down
Empty the veins by elevating the limbs
Apply 3 Tourniquets
One below SFJ and Mid thigh
One just above the Knee joint
One just below the knee joint
Ask the patient to stand up
Inspect for 30 sec
Take the tourniquet from below upwards
Veins dilate and fill up where the perforator is incompetent.
4.Modified Perthe’s Test
To know whether the deep veins are normal or not.
Without emptying the veins
Apply the tourniquet at the SFJ
Ask the patient walk for 5 Minutes
Severe crampy pain and Persistence of varicosities suggest DVT
5. Schwartz Test
In long standing varicose veins if the lower part of the varicosity is tapped, in impulse is felt at the Saphenous opening
6.Pratt’s Test
To know the sites of leg perforators
Esmarch elastic bandage is applied from toes to the groin. This causes emptying of the vein.
Apply the tourniquet at the SFJ
Remove the elastic bandage without removing the tourniquet.
Re apply the elastic bandage from above.
At the positions of perforators visible varices /Blow outs are seen
The sites are marked.
7. Morriyssey’s Cough Impulse Test
Empty the vein by elevating the limb
Limb is kept at 30 degree passive elevation.
Place a finger at SFJ
Ask the patient to Cough forcibly
An expansile impulse is felt at the Saphenous opening
If the SFJ valve is incompetent.
A bruit may be heard on auscultation.
8. Fegan’s Method of Palpation
In standing posture the places of excessive bulges within the varicosities are marked.
Make the patient lie down.
Elevate the limb to empty the veins.
Palpate along the line of marked bulges to find out the pits/defects in the deep fascia which transmits the incompetent perforators.
9.Homan’s Sign-Passive forceful dorsiflexion of foot produce pain in the calf
10.Moses Test- Squeezing of relaxed calf muscles from side to side-causes Tenderness in case of DVT
11. Local Changes
a.Pitting Oedema, local tenderness on direct palpation-S/o Thrombophlebitis/ DVT
b. Thickening of the Sub cutaneous tissue-scarring, tissue death and fibrosis.Lipodermatosclerosis.
12.Nicoladonis sign/ Branhams sign-Preesure on proximal part of the artery/feeding vessel will cause reduction in the size of the swelling and disappearance of the bruit-of AVM
Also Pulse rate falls.
Pulse pressure returns to normal.( BP in UL & LL important)
Puse pressure is difference between Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.
III. Percussion
Schwartz Test- Percuss from below-impulse felt above at SFJ
Bruit on Forcible cough- SFJ incompetence
Machinery murmur- AVM-
Nicoladonis sign-AVM
V.Regional Lymphnode enlargement
VI.Any deformity- Equinus deformity
VII.Other Limb
VIII.Examination of Abdomen- Lumps/Ascitis/ Loaded colon
IX. PV-Fibroid/Ovarian Tumour/Ca Cervix
X.PR- Ca Rectum/ Pelvic deposits/Ca Prostate
1.Age- Middle age
2.Sex- Females – Progesterone
3.Occupation – Standing for long time
4.Duration- Congenital AV Malformation-
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome
Local Gigantism. Port wine stain
1) Pain-2 Types in Varicose vein
1a).Aching pain in the whole leg/Lower leg-particularly towards the end of the day-Relieved by Lying down -Associated with Night Cramps
1b).Bursting Pain while walking-m DVT
2) Swelling- around the ankle joint/Whole limb
3)Ulcer- over the medial malleolus
Excruciating pain over the ulcer - Periostitis
4) Bleeding
5) Itching-Due to Eczema
6) Pigmentation- Lipodermatosclerosis
7) Constipation/Abdominal Distension/ Difficulty in passing urine- Pelvic pathology
8) Fever and Malaise- Thrombophlebitis
9) Cough/ Breathlessness/Hemoptysis/Chestpain-
Pulmonary Embolism
10) Deformity- Equinus Deformity
6.Past History
Previous history of Varicose veins- Recurrence
Serious illness requiring prolonged Bed rest/ Hospitalization/ Major surgery- to rule out DVT
7.Personal History
Obstetric History- previous Pregnancies
OCP Intake
8.Family History
Varicose veins run in Families
General Examination
Look For –Tachycardia ( Feature of AVM)
1.System Affected
GSV- Medial Aspect
SSV-Lateral And Posterior Aspect
Klippel-Trenaunay - Lateral aspect up to thigh
2. Swelling-
Localised Swelling
Generalised Swelling-DVT
Local Gigantism
i) Colour-
Erythema- Thrombophlebitis
Bluish Hue- DVT ( Phlegmasia cerulea dolens) Toes are spared in DVT
White/ Pale Hue- Lymphoedema ( Phlegmasia alba dolens) Toes are invariably involved- Crowded Toes in Lymphoedema
Shiny-Due to DVT
Thickening- due to Lipodermatosclerosis
Loss of Hair & Brittle Nail due to chronic varicosity indicating impending venous gangrene
1. Brodie – Trendelenberg Test 1
Ask the patient to lie down,
Empty the veins by elevating the limbs,
Apply pressure at the SFJ-Using a finger/ tourniquet,
Ask the patient to stand up,
Suddenly release the pressure.
Rapid filling from above indicates a SFJ incompetence.
Ask the patient to lie down,
Empty the veins by elevating the limbs,
Apply pressure at the SFJ-Using a finger/ tourniquet,
Ask the patient to stand up,
Maintain the pressure for 1 minute-
Filling of veins from below indicates Perforator Incompetence.
3. Tourniquet Test
To localise the approximate site of incompetent perforator.
Ask the patient to lie down
Empty the veins by elevating the limbs
Apply 3 Tourniquets
One below SFJ and Mid thigh
One just above the Knee joint
One just below the knee joint
Ask the patient to stand up
Inspect for 30 sec
Take the tourniquet from below upwards
Veins dilate and fill up where the perforator is incompetent.
4.Modified Perthe’s Test
To know whether the deep veins are normal or not.
Without emptying the veins
Apply the tourniquet at the SFJ
Ask the patient walk for 5 Minutes
Severe crampy pain and Persistence of varicosities suggest DVT
5. Schwartz Test
In long standing varicose veins if the lower part of the varicosity is tapped, in impulse is felt at the Saphenous opening
6.Pratt’s Test
To know the sites of leg perforators
Esmarch elastic bandage is applied from toes to the groin. This causes emptying of the vein.
Apply the tourniquet at the SFJ
Remove the elastic bandage without removing the tourniquet.
Re apply the elastic bandage from above.
At the positions of perforators visible varices /Blow outs are seen
The sites are marked.
7. Morriyssey’s Cough Impulse Test
Empty the vein by elevating the limb
Limb is kept at 30 degree passive elevation.
Place a finger at SFJ
Ask the patient to Cough forcibly
An expansile impulse is felt at the Saphenous opening
If the SFJ valve is incompetent.
A bruit may be heard on auscultation.
8. Fegan’s Method of Palpation
In standing posture the places of excessive bulges within the varicosities are marked.
Make the patient lie down.
Elevate the limb to empty the veins.
Palpate along the line of marked bulges to find out the pits/defects in the deep fascia which transmits the incompetent perforators.
9.Homan’s Sign-Passive forceful dorsiflexion of foot produce pain in the calf
10.Moses Test- Squeezing of relaxed calf muscles from side to side-causes Tenderness in case of DVT
11. Local Changes
a.Pitting Oedema, local tenderness on direct palpation-S/o Thrombophlebitis/ DVT
b. Thickening of the Sub cutaneous tissue-scarring, tissue death and fibrosis.Lipodermatosclerosis.
12.Nicoladonis sign/ Branhams sign-Preesure on proximal part of the artery/feeding vessel will cause reduction in the size of the swelling and disappearance of the bruit-of AVM
Also Pulse rate falls.
Pulse pressure returns to normal.( BP in UL & LL important)
Puse pressure is difference between Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure.
III. Percussion
Schwartz Test- Percuss from below-impulse felt above at SFJ
Bruit on Forcible cough- SFJ incompetence
Machinery murmur- AVM-
Nicoladonis sign-AVM
V.Regional Lymphnode enlargement
VI.Any deformity- Equinus deformity
VII.Other Limb
VIII.Examination of Abdomen- Lumps/Ascitis/ Loaded colon
IX. PV-Fibroid/Ovarian Tumour/Ca Cervix
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